Whisky.com or Whiskey.com, spelling means hundred of thousands in domains.
Whiskey and Whisky, both pronounced the same, and are spelled just slightly different. Are they both the same, or are we talking apples and oranges with a world of distinction between the two syllable word. If there’s a difference between the two, what is it? Have ultra-premium domain name owners gone bananas in recent times, listing these domains for sale? Maybe we’ve all gone just a little nuts in the wake, but let’s look at some of the similarities, differences, and how this could be beneficial to the seller as well as the end-user that scores the fruit basket of Whisk(e)y at the end of the sale.
Whiskey, pronounced [hwis-kee or wis-kee] is defined as a noun as well as an adjective in the American Dictionary. It is an alcoholic liquor distilled from a fermented mash of grain (barley, rye, wheat or corn), and usually contains from 43-50% alcohol.
On the contrary, Whisky, pronounced the same way, is defined as both a noun and adjective as being a spirit made by distilling fermented cereals, which are matured and often blended. This is the term used especially for Scottish or Canadian Whisky, as well as how it is defined in the British Dictionary.
Regardless of how you spell it, the process of creating the perfect Whiskey consists of unifying characteristics that encompass the different classes and types of whisky including fermentation of grains, distillation and the aging process utilizing wooden barrels. These wooden barrels are called wooden casks, and are generally constructed of charred white oak. The processing of distilled alcohol dates back to Ireland in 1405, while Scotland holds the first written testament of whisky for sale in 1494, not to be used for medicinal purposes.
The oldest licensed whiskey distillery in the world is located in Northern Ireland. Licensed in 1608, the Old Brushmills Distillery has thrived through the initial supply and demand era that resulted in raw, un-aged, harsh whiskey that wasn’t as refined as it is today. It’s all thanks to the suppliers’ ability to complete the aging process, that we now have ultra-smooth scotch and whiskey variations.
None of this really matters if you’re not a whiskey or scotch connoisseur, distributor, wholesaler, retailer, distillery, drinking establishment, or someone who just wants the name Whiskey.com. And it may not speak volumes to those that do have a genuinely ingrained interest in ownership for their own business purposes. It may not even matter at all to the end-user that walks away from the sale donning the title of “Owner,” yet the history of the beverage imbibed by many individuals worldwide, provides some background and insight into its probability for longevity and profitability.
Note: Longevity and profitability are directly correlated to the management and use of the domain in a manner that is conducive to obtaining and maintaining these aspects, including financial common sense with regards to business spending in order to purchase the domain for fair market value.
Since I’ve mentioned Fair Market Value (FMV), let’s discuss that for a moment shall we? Many people will make offers that the seller if managing the sale directly would simply take offense to, the hum-drum and buzz that this sale has drummed up has an anticipated selling amount in the 7 figure range, while Flippa.com has the 20 year old domain currently sitting at 12 hours remaining until expiration of sales offer and a bid of $105,000, with an unmet reserve.
Even at the current bid rate of $105,000.00 the seller is I’m sure less than thrilled with the rate of progress in regards to bids from the 11 bidders. The stats alone on the domain are worth more than the current bid, not to mention a host of other benefits that are of exponential value to the owner of the domain, whether it be a broker, investor, whiskey sector entrepreneur, entertainer, or individual.
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