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A lot of people have earned big profits by making cautious domain investments over the last one decade. In some cases, internet entrepreneurs and online businessmen managed to get over 10000 percent return on their domain investments. A well thought-out domain investment strategy can bear great results within an expected time-frame. Domains that you purchase for a few dollars today can become an expensive internet commodity few months later. Even though there are plenty of examples to demonstrate large scale opportunities in the vast domain market, many people continue to wonder if domain investments are same as real estate investments. The fact of the matter is that both real estate investments and domain investments help investors to make huge profits if they have a reasonable buying and selling strategy in place.

If you have tried real estate and stock market investments in the past, there is no reason why you shouldn’t research the fast growing domains investment market. If you are aware of e-commerce fundamentals and internet marketing tactics, it will be an added plus.

The market value of domains increases with time.

In the online marketplace, the value of commercially meaningful domains and domain names continues to increase like other commodities. Just as the price of a house or land plot will not be the same after a few months, the market value of domain names is also likely to increase over small intervals of time. While there is a phenomenal fluctuation in the market value of domain names every year, the most important factor is the scarcity of commercially useful domains and domain names.

Investors can make both passive and active incomes.

If you are quick to buy some potentially profitable domain names today, it is possible to earn huge profits by selling them at a higher price few months or years down the line. You can earn passive as well as active income by making domain investments. Parking revenue from domains can be big enough to balance the total investment itself. It is the revenue earned by using domains to drive traffic volumes to another website. You can place text links, banner ads and other information on your domains to generate a regular income. In the online marketplace, it is very important to track the value of domains.

Early starters can multiply their profits.

On some occasions, the value of certain domains can skyrocket abruptly. It is important to spend considerable time researching into various trends in the online marketplace. It is a good idea to target popular but less competitive niches in the beginning. Making an entry into an extremely competitive niche like weight loss can be extremely difficult, for example.

Many investors buy domains, publish content, launch e-marketing campaigns and sell them in the end. This strategy works fine as long as you are willing to undertake responsibilities such as content publishing, online marketing, link-building etc. It is possible to find an online enterprise to do complete each one of these tasks. All you need to do is to create a rock-solid strategy. Domains are limited and they always will be!