On many occasions, you won’t be able to get a domain of your choice. Domain names are getting scarce and if you are looking for a domain name in a competitive niche, chances of finding the desired one are even less. Right after you learn about unavailability of a desired domain name on GoDaddy, you can avail the much useful domain acquisition service. Domain Buy Agents of GoDaddy will make all possible efforts on your behalf to acquire the desired domain name. So the answer to the question “Does GoDaddy do domain acquisitions?” is a ‘Yes’ but there are no guarantees. If the owner of the domain registrant is in no mood to sell the domain for example, GoDaddy’s Domain Buy Agents cannot do much. There are many other issues in this case. However, the best way to acquire an unavailable domain is to avail GoDaddy’s domain acquisition service or the services of NameConnect.com. The difference? NameConnect is more personal as we do higher end acquisitions ($1,000 plus) and do not have the large influx of requests as Godaddy, this way you get more one on one time with your rep. Y
On the other hand, should you opt for GoDaddy’s professional Domain Buy Service, you are provided with a certified appraisal, NameConnect can do this over the phone whereas Godaddy will charge you. An agent will work closely with you or your company’s representative in order to acquire the desired domain name in all possible ways.
Appraisal usually takes up to 2 days to complete.
Once this process is complete, a GoDaddy Domain Buy Agents will get in touch with you soon after. An email is dropped at your primary email id. That’s when you can start your negotiations. You have to enter the desired negotiation range for the desired domain name in response to the first email from GoDaddy’s Domain Buy Agent. The agent assigned to your domain buy task can initiate work to acquire the desired domain name only after learning about your minimum and maximum price. The Domain Buy Service contract continues for a period of 30 days. During this time¸ the assigned Domain Buy Agent applies best efforts to get in touch with the domain registrant.
The assigned GoDaddy Domain Buy Agents undertakes following tasks in order to acquire the desired domain name for you:
- Finding background information on the current registration of the desired domain name.
- Whether the domain name under consideration has expired or not.
- Whether the information about the registrant is current or not.
- The name and contact information of the registrant.
- Whether the domain name registration is private or public.
- The agent also finds out if the desired domain name has been put on sale anywhere on the World Wide Web.
- The agent checks various resources to learn whether aftermarket services are attempting to sell the domain under consideration.
Do not expect GoDaddy agents to get in touch with domain registrants directly.
Agents have to follow well-defined standard procedures in such cases. The first step in the process is to contact the proxy company. This company may or may not provide information regarding the privacy service of the desired domain name. Once an agent is successfully in contacting the registrant, s/he can start negotiations. All offers in this contact are valid for a maximum of ten days.