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Getting traffic and making money on the internet is all about good content, no matter what anyone tells you, on the internet, content really is king. Don’t ever forget that if you are trying to make money online. Content that attracts visitors and search engine queries are what are going to get traffic for your website and make you money. It does not matter whether your website is a blog about your favorite hobby or a serious shopping platform, you can make money if you have good traffic. Search engine keywords and their proper use is what will make your website content stand out from the rest. Read on to find out how you can get traffic and make money with great search engine keywords.

Keywords which drive traffic

If you are creating a new website or a web page for your business, it is important that you find out the keywords people are typing on their search engines to find answers. It often becomes the case that you are so close to your website or business that you forget that other people may not be in touch with the exact products or services you offer and may be searching for completely different words, phrases or things. In- house jargon is not something to put in your content as it will not get you good traffic. Instead use content on your website which your visitors are likely to search for.

Doing keyword research

If you have not already done your keyword search, it is important that you do so before creating your web page. Use good keyword tools like Google’s Keyword Tool to find out words and phrases people on the internet are looking for.

How to get traffic with keywords

Once you are aware of the kind of keywords visitors on the internet are searching for, you will be more attuned to what to offer as content on your site. Use these tips to know how to do it well.

– The targeted search engine keyword or phrase should preferably be used in your web page title. It should be on the title tag. It is a good thing if the keyword is used twice, but one is quite enough.

–  The keyword phrase should again be used in the meta description tag. You may not be aware of this but the content present in the meta description tag is majorly responsible for search engine results.

–  Use your keyword in subheads as well using H2 tags. This is a good place to add your other related keywords as well. Effectively using H2 tags will also ensure that your visitors can scan your web pages quickly.

–  It is important that the body text of your website contains several mentions of your keywords. But do not over- do this step. About 4 times is sufficient depending on the amount of body text you have.

Use search engine keywords effectively using the information given above and prepare yourself for success. Get traffic and make money with search engine keywords by using generic domains as well, contact us for more information on that by going to the homepage.