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It is possible to create a steady income stream by starting a domain parking business. You do not need to spend a lot of time and energy to run such a business. Most people do not take the headache of creating or maintaining websites in such cases.

Parked domains make money through advertising.

If you own some domains, you can go ahead and place some advertisement banners on them. The next time visitors arrive on these parked domains, ads will be displayed to them. If you are not publishing content on a website or using a domain in any manner, there is no harm in having it parked. Instead of renewing domains for several dollars year after year, it makes sense to park all such domains without sacrificing a lot of your time or energy.

Park your small collection of domains or take it up as a serious business!

While some people utilize previously purchased domains for this purpose, others take up domain parking as a full-time business. A busy person does not need to allot any time or resources to parked domains. A serious domain parking business should always start with serious keyword research. Most domain parking experts and domain investors use Wordtracker or Overture Keyword Tool for researching keywords. It is advisable to buy a new keyword-centric domain for parking purposes only when it has a minimum of 1500 search queries per month. Also, there should be at least one million listings for the given keyword on the Google Search Engine Results Page or SERPS. If you research well, you can find some highly profitable domain names in terms of traffic volumes.

Domain parking is often a part of domains investment strategy.

Anyone interested in making short or long term domains investment should not ignore the option of making active income through domain parking. In fact, a large number of businessmen in the online marketplace take up domains investment very seriously. While some people own over a dozen potentially profitable domains that they can sell later, others buy hundreds of domains on a given niche to charge a high fee from buyers at a later date. By the time your domains attain a great market value, you can manage to earn enough to pay for their parking and purchase costs through ad banners. It is no doubt a great option for everyone in the online marketplace.

A person dedicatedly running a domain parking business can generate multiple income streams. It is possible to display customized pages on various parked domains without getting yourself into any technical or managerial details. Domain parking companies will do it all for you. They will manage all such pages and ads through their software systems. Just make sure you go ahead with the right domain parking services because popular search engines like Google have started penalizing low quality domains.