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Domain name will not remain to a single person for life long. As soon as a domain name expires it gets registered to another person. Today, this simple process has taken a complex turn. All the registrants are protected by providing some grace period after the tenure is over.

Steps in domain expiration

There is a step by step procedure of getting a domain renewed. As soon as a single domain expires, it gets into the auto renewal grace period. The owner of the particular domain will be able to make the renewal of domain within the period of 30 days. The domain gets into the redemption period if the owner fails to get the old domain renewed within the stipulated time period. Thus the registrar would become the owner of the domain. The registrar can either carry on with auction sale or can retain the same for the generation of PPC revenues.

Active status

During the stage of registration, domain would have an active status. Some domains which have been blocked cannot be altered if the blocked status is not once again removed. The blocking is done by the previous owner of the domain in order to retain the name with him. No one can have a registration of the blocked domain without the permission of previous owner. As per the status of the server, domain name is visible with the parked website.

Status on hold

During this period, domain would stop functioning and the person searching the website would get the message of unavailability. This happens even if the hosting server is working really fine. An individual can easily get to the active status by not incurring any penalty in charges.

Redemption period

A second chance is provided to all the domain owners who wish to win over the previous domain once again. This is an attempt of providing the domain owner with the second chance. The service is really useful as the owner of a particular domain would be accustomed in using the previous name of the domain.

Even the customers and client would know the particular website with the same domain name. This service is not free of cost and would ask the owner to provide a sum of $100. A period of 30 days is provided to decide about the particular fact and reverting back within the particular tenure is essential.


This is a caution for the previous owner of the domain before it gets transferred to other registrars. The status of removal will be reached to the register within the period of 5 days and from then it would not be possible to get the domain name active once again. Individual will not get back the domain name once again even if he is done with the missed payments. Now he has to wait till the time the domain get released from the second registrar who has just taken the same.

Individuals can keep the rules simple in order to avoid unnecessary penalties. There is a relaxation of getting the domain name registered for 10 years at a stretch.