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iWhois.com Turns Heads – New Look and Functions

For such basic information a domain’s “whois”, or domain registrant information, has become such an integral piece of data for any Domainer, Internet Marketer or SEO Specialist. I admit I am guilty of finding a routine and sticking with it, rarely searching out new tools as I find comfort in my everyday habits. However I started working iWhois.com into my regulars searches and I recommend you do as well, with their new features and quick response time I found I was jumping around a lot less looking for registration info.

I used iWhois.com previously but would typically hop between three providers, Nsi.com, Psychicwhois.com (powered by DomainTools.com) and iWhois.com. The reason I originally used the service was because of its quick navigation and speedy page turn, whereas most websites bring you to what feels like an inner page, iWhois’ search field remains up top so no click back is required for a follow up whois lookup. This might not sound like much but with hundreds of thousands of queries per month I think iWhois.com is on to something, so much so that long time domain veteran Richard Lau was brought in to assist with the setup and marketing of the frequently visited tool.

Since then the team has added quite a few features to attract people in the Internet industry, they still have the search field that remains but now with the click of a button you can see multiple pieces of information on any given name to include the Arhive.org history, Alexa.com rank, Estibot.com domain evaluation, Pagerank, Google cache and more. With the simple addition of these links to dynamically and automatically insert your domain and pull up the actual page iWhois has become arguably the most powerful whois tool on the net. By better answering every question about a domain a professional could want I’m sure they have prolonged the stay time while giving advertisers a better reason to join.

If you get a chance check out the features, the team there has done a great job and any feedback for them is appreciated, they work steadily to better serve the Internet community.