Trademark holders worldwide now have the exclusive registration rights of the new .co domain name, so they can protect their brands. But it’s only for a limited time. June 10 2010 will be the last day that companies are able to protect their trademark by registering a new dotco domain. The Landrush will start on June 21, which means that anyone, including individuals, can register a name with the new extension, which is expected to complement and replace the dotcom.
Dick Detering, who is a reseller for Liquidnet LTD, said today: “This new Global Sunrise Period from April 26 to June 10 2010, is the very last chance for global companies to prevent numerous trademark infringement court cases”. “I urge them to register their dotco’s as soon as possible so they can have peace of mind, knowing that their brand names are secure.”
Written by Wladimir Moscowitsch.