There are many ways to earn money online, selling one’s website is one of the more profitable ones. Selling a popular website can be a great financial decision as it may involve literally millions of dollars. If you want to know how to sell your website, this article is definitely a must-read.
- Understand what your website’s long term value is before you sell it. This is very important. The average sale price of a popular and successful website is about 6 to 10 times its monthly earnings. So if a website earns several thousands of dollars each month, this may feel like a fair settlement. But that is nothing compared to the value assigned to the business. For instance, Facebook is valued at an unbelievable over $50 billion. But does this mean that it earns that much every month? Of course not. It is the long term value of Facebook. So you need to understand what your website’s long term value is, instead of the short term one.
- When you sell your website, it is important that you know your audience. Different sales tactics have to be used for different audiences. This is because people react differently to different products. Usually people consider product revenue information and data as the most important. An independent investor planning to invest in a successful website may only be interested in the long term profits the website can bring him.
- A good idea is to look at websites who have sold for massive prices and try to learn sales lessons. What way was the website presented for sale? What sales pitch was used and what information was given out? Learning from other people is wonderful.
- Optimize your website before putting it on sale. It is sad when websites and blogs don’t have even basic advertising or conversion testing which makes it impossible for them to reach their true value. Unless you have worked on profit optimization of your website, putting it on the market is a mistake. As a seller, it is a huge mistake when you put on a website on the market without maximizing its profit.
- There are lots of auction sites to sell your website on but only a few of them are truly good. is the most popular one. It is a good idea to put your site on a good auction site even if it costs you a fee. Chances are, you are going to be able to sell it for a good price.
- In an auction it is important to highlight whatever good is about your site. Have statistics made available for potential bidders about how many unique visitors your site gets, where you main traffic comes from, etc. Have real information made available and you will make a good profit on your website.