The act of transferring a particular domain name from a particular registrar to another would be tedious for many of us. There may be hardly any problem with Go Daddy when an individual would carry on with the experiment of parking domain. Since Name Cheap is quite affordable, many owners would wish to make a try of the same. There are many individuals who remain worried if they are in the process of transferring domain for the first time. There is a tendency of people to use the move service which is once again associated with direct panel. This would help the person to ask the new domain provider to push the domain into his domain panel.
Getting EPP code
There will be confusion among individuals whenever they would be in Go Daddy domain panel. EPP is generally known as the authorized code of Go Daddy. After finding the same in domain information, individual can press send by the particular email link. Individual have to make sure about having the white list of the support for go daddy. It is important to wait for sometime if an individual really wish to receive his EPP code. There can be alternate actions if the email does not reach within the period of one day.
Unlocking domain
If the domain is still locked, there must be a procedure which releases the lock without much trouble. An individual must release the locked domain before transferring domain to another registrar. The domain name so transfer can be directed to Name Cheap.
Transferring domain to cheap name
The official website of Name cheap would help you to know specifically about domain transfer. It would be a common affair if an individual will be provided with a large text box and would be asked to type his domain name. It is possible to add EPP code along with the name of domain in a way where the name as well as code is separated with comma.
Another way of entering into transferring face would be to put the name of domain only. In this procedure, the EPP code needs to be filled up when the individual checks out completely. The availability of domain transfer would be shown visibly in the next window.
Rules for domain transfer
Individual must abide with few rules when it comes to transformation of domain name to Name cheap. The first rule would be the tenure. Domain must be available for 60 days. The second rule would say that, the domain must remain unlocked while transferring. The same address must be available with the domain administrator. It is not needed to change the whole information before transferring the domain completely.
Customers have experienced delays in transferring the domain names within 24 hours of time. Competitors in the market are providing thwarting efforts in the process of transferring domain name. In some places Go Daddy is associated with an incomplete return. In maximum cases delay complaint has arrived. The team is in a process of processing each transfer request manually.