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A large number of people in the online marketplace have little or no idea of what Google Feed is. If you are one of those people, you are probably missing a big opportunity to generate a steady income stream. Feeds are used by a large number of online players for reaching a bigger audience on the internet.

Google Feed produced by Google Feedburner

Google Feedburner is an excellent feed burner service owned and operated by Google. It is not the same as many other feeds available on the internet. The best thing about Google Feed is that it does not only create feed for your website but also gives you highly useful statistics. These statistics can help you a great deal to refine your online marking strategies for a blog or website. These statistics are quite useful if your blog or website depends on RSS feeds for regular traffic.

The most information provided by Google Feedburner statistics include:

  1. The total number of people who have subscribed to your blog’s or website’s RSS feed.
  2. Information about the people who have been re-posting your RSS feed on the internet.
  3. Which links in particular are getting clicks in the feed?

This information from Google Feed can help you to create very effective strategies.

It is very easy to create an account with Google Feedburner. You can set up your Google Feed for a blog, website or podcast in less than 10 minutes! Once you enter the URL and choose a suitable web reader, you can also add above mentioned traffic statistics to your Google Feed. You can easily monitor ‘item enclosure downloads’ and ‘click-through rate’ by just configuring statistics on your Google Feed account.

Always make sure that your feed is not bigger than 512 KBs. If it is bigger than that, you will need to think of ways to make it smaller because Google Feedburner stops updating content to Google Feed as soon as it discovers the total size to be over 512 kilobytes.

Now it is possible to monetize Google Feed as well. You can display Google advertisements in Google Feed just as you did for your blogs and websites until now. If the feed of your blog, website or podcast is accessed by a large number of people, there is no reason why you shouldn’t have an extra Adsense leg working for you! In order to display Google ads in Google Feed, you will need to sign up for Feedburner as well as Google Adsense. Just below the Adsense Setup tab in your Google Adsense Account, you can spot Adsense for Feeds tab. Click on this tab and start configuring Adsense for Google Feed on your blog or podcast. You have to option to choose many other ad networks in Feedburner but only Google Adsense can provide you with the best results. You can just perform migration of your account from Feedburner to Google Feedburner to get started with Google Feed and Adsense.